
As winter continues and the possibility of snow days increases, I want to provide some important information regarding how snow days are handled within the Corning School District. Our district operates on an alternate calendar, which means that we focus on ensuring our students receive a specific number of instructional hours each year. The state of Arkansas mandates a minimum of 1068 instructional hours for students.

Our carefully designed alternate calendar already incorporates extra instructional hours beyond the state minimum. This allows us to absorb a limited number of snow days without the need for additional make-up days. We had our first snow day on Friday, January 13, and because of our extra instructional hours built in to our calendar; we will not have to make up that day of instruction.  Keep in mind, however, that winter has just begun.  If we experience more snow days than our built-in extra hours allow, we will carefully review our calendar and determine if and when make-up days will be necessary.

We understand that snow days can be exciting for students, but we want to assure you that our focus remains on providing a high-quality education for all students. We will continue to monitor weather conditions closely and make decisions regarding school closures based on safety and the best interests of our students. Thank you for your understanding and continued support of the Corning School District.